The Reine des Flots 1965

by Frederic Bourrigaud
The Reine des Flots 1965
Frederic Bourrigaud
La Reine des Flots was a Dundee ketch built to Scottish designs in England in 1965.
After 30 years of outrigger fishing in Cornwall, he became the emblematic tuna boat of Gavre.
He fished for tuna in the Bay of Biscay one last time before sinking on Thursday August 29, 2019 following the rupture of his propeller shaft. It was towed several
hours by a trawler rescuing him, and ended up sinking and his 6 crew members were saved.
La Reine des Flots était un ketch dundee construit sur des plans écossais en Angleterre, en 1965.
Suite à 30 ans de pêche aux tangons dans les Cornouailles, il devient l’emblématique thonier de Gavre.
Il a pêché le thon dans le golfe de Gascogne une dernière fois avant de sombrer, le jeudi 29 août 2019 suite à la rupture de son arbre d’hélice. Il fut remorqué plusieurs
heures par un chalutier lui portant secours, et fini par couler et ses 6 membres d'équipage furent sauvés.
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Comments (10)

Gregory Mitchell
Congratulations Frederic on being featured in the Fine Art America Group “The Art of Fishing”. The colors. The beauty. The unique angle. Artistic. Bravo. To ensure your feature remains available and open for viewing and discussion, post your featured image in the Group's Discussion 2022 Archive, should you like.

Jenny Revitz Soper
BRAVO! Your artwork has earned a FEATURE on the homepage of The Artists Group, 1/14/2021! You may also post it in the Group's Features discussion thread and any other thread that fits! lf

John M Bailey
Congratulations on your feature in the Fine Art America Group "Images That Excite You!"